The Most Advanced Ultra-fast, Four-dimensional Angiography
Optical Coherence Tomography is one of the next generation non-invasive three-dimensional imaging techniques. This technique is particularly remarkable in that it allows angiography of capillaries without the use of bio-imaging dyes or biomarkers. Optical Coherence Tomography is therefore used extensively in the clinical applications of ophthalmology, such as retinal imaging. With the most advanced technology imaging system developed by Tozburun et al., Optical Coherence Tomography has gained a new perspective. It has been successfully demonstrated that four-dimensional micro-angiography in HD video speed (>100 volumes per second) is possible by producing 19 million A-scans per second. With the system, axial displacements of surrounding soft tissue around the capillaries were visualized as function heart beats, in an in vivo mouse brain. The speed of this system can be leveraged to provide new methods in OCT-based angiography, and to extract blood flow velocity and pulsatile blood flow dynamics. This valuable study was chosen for the March issue cover of Journal of Biomedical Optics Express based in the United States.