Drug Analysis and Control Lab.


Drug development requires preclinical studies prior to IND application which should be performed in GLP certified laboratories. There is no GLP certified preclinical testing facility in Turkey, which constitutes a significant barrier for new molecular entity development. IBG has established Drug Analysis and Control Laboratories which are in compliance with GLP regulations and Quality Management System.

Good Laboratory Practice (GLP) in an internationally recognized indicator of technical competence in pre-clinical studies. By providing official recognition of the competence of laboratories, it ensures a convenient method for identifying and selecting reliable test and analysis services for institutions in need of preclinical work for their molecules.

Click here for contact procedure with sponsors.

Click here for the procedure including test material accepting criteria.

You can contact us directly for the services you request from IBG Drug Analysis & Control Lab.


Drug Analysis and Control Lab.

Test Unit Manager

+90 232 299 41 00 (2401)
+9 0 232 299 41 44

Batuhan GÜNEŞ Technician  batuhan.gunes@ibg.edu.tr

Ezgi ERBAY Researcher  ezgi.erbay@ibg.edu.tr

Yaren ÖZ Veterinarian  yaren.oz@ibg.edu.tr

0 (232) 299 _ _

Hüsniye Burcu KARA Technician  burcu.kara@ibg.edu.tr

Hanım GULA Care Taker  hanim.gula@ibg.edu.tr

Sezer ARAZ Cleaning Personnel  sezer.araz@ibg.edu.tr

Hamide KAYTAZ Care Taker  hamide.kaytaz@ibg.edu.tr

Ulaş SAÇINTI Technician  ulas.sacinti@ibg.edu.tr

Günay ATILKAN Cleaning Personnel  gunay.atilkan@ibg.edu.tr

Serap BİRİNCİOĞLU Advisor  serap.birincioglu@ibg.edu.tr

Serhat ÖZGENÇ Veterinarian  serhat.ozgenc@ibg.edu.tr

Ceren ÜLKER Veterinarian  ceren.ulker@ibg.edu.tr

Ezgi ERBAY Quality Assurance Department Manager  ezgi.erbay@ibg.edu.tr

Selin YEŞİL Microbiology Laboratory Unit Responsible  selin.yesil@ibg.edu.tr

Güzide İdil AZBAZDAR Biopharmaceuticals Laboratory Research Technician  idil.tilmensagir@ibg.edu.tr

Kenan AKPINAR Cell Culture Researcher  kenan.akpinar@ibg.edu.tr

Güneş TOK Cell Culture Researcher  gunes.tok@ibg.edu.tr

Former Personnel

Alev TAŞÇIOĞLU ALİYEV Test Unit Manager  alev.aliyev@ibg.edu.tr
+90 232 299 41 00 (2902)

Tuba KARAMAN ODUNCU Research Technician  tuba.karaman@ibg.edu.tr

Ayşegül DEMİRTAŞ Quality Assurance Department Manager  aysegul.demirtas@ibg.edu.tr
+90 232 299 41 00 (2401)
0 232 299 41 44

Ezgi ERBAY Quality Assurance Technician  ezgi.erbay@ibg.edu.tr

Alev TAŞÇIOĞLU ALİYEV Support Unit Responsible  alev.aliyev@ibg.edu.tr
+90 232 299 41 00 (2902)

Berrak SOHTORİK Support Archieve and Documentation  berrak.sohtorik@ibg.edu.tr
+90 232 299 41 00 (3801)

Melda Zeynep GÜRAY TAŞKINARDA Biopharmaceuticals Laboratory Unit Responsible  melda.guray@ibg.edu.tr
+90 232 299 41 00 (2901)

Gözde ATASEVEN Biopharmaceuticals Laboratory Researcher  gozde.ataseven@ibg.edu.tr

Ayşegül BİLDİK Preclinical Laboratory Advisor  aysegul.bildik@ibg.edu.tr

Hamdi Avcı Preclinical Laboratory Advisor  hamdi.avci@ibg.edu.tr

Ahmet AYDOĞAN Preclinical Laboratory Advisor  ahmet.aydogan@ibg.edu.tr


Drug Analysis and Control Lab.

Test Unit Manager

+90 232 299 41 00 (2401)
+9 0 232 299 41 44