IBG researcher supported with 1.6 million Euros with ERC Consolidator Grant

IBG researcher supported with 1.6 million Euros with ERC Consolidator Grant

IBG researcher supported with 1.6 million Euros with ERC Consolidator Grant

The CLARISURGE project led by Assoc. Prof. Dr Serhat Tozburun, Principal Investigator at Izmir Biomedicine and Genome Center (IBG), and Dokuz Eylül University Faculty Member was awarded a grant of 1.6 million Euros under the European Research Council's (ERC) Consolidator Grant call.

The project, which aims to develop an innovative solution for digestive system diseases, is funded under the Horizon Europe Programme. The project, which is also supported by TÜBİTAK ERC Principal Investigator Development Programme (EBAG), draws attention as pioneering research. CLARISURGE, one of the 328 projects supported by ERC with a total budget of EUR 678 million this year, showcases Turkey's scientific potential in the international arena.

The CLARISURGE project targets to develop a new technology to enable low-risk, effective and rapid treatment of early-stage superficial lesions in the digestive system organs. Due to the limitations and inherent risks of current surgical methods, treatment of early-stage lesions is often neglected or patient follow-up is the primary choice. CLARISURGE brings together four innovations that offer a solution to this problem. Its technology, which provides the possibility of application in large areas, aims to increase patient comfort by accelerating the treatment process.

If successfully completed, the project will break new ground in the treatment of digestive system diseases and a new generation of endoscopy technology is to be developed in this field. In addition, the project will reduce the need for invasive surgery by providing effective treatment of precancerous lesions. Besides increasing Turkey's scientific power in health technologies, CLARISURGE will contribute significantly to the human resources trained in this field.