A new technique and device developed at IBG by group leader of the Biophotonics and Optical Imaging Lab. Assoc. Prof. Serhat TOZBURUN and his team qualified for patenting.
The main objective of the research laboratory set up at IBG in 2016 by Assoc. Prof. Serhat TOZBURUN is to develop original optical technologies and methods which address the challenges of biomedical practices and are based on the laser-tissue interaction. The group recently developed a new method and device that can generate an optical pulse sequence, and that can be used particularly for the imaging of ocular tissues. This study conducted solely in the laboratories of IBG will enable a quicker and more accurate diagnosis of eye diseases.
This invention of the researchers, which qualified for patent registration from the Turkish Patent and Trademark Office, will be able to enhance and improve the methods and systems used in medical diagnosis and treatment where laser light is used, in optical imaging systems, optical measurement practices and spectroscopy.
The study funded by TÜBİTAK (116E815), the results of which will be used in imaging techniques, involves the quick scanning of light wavelength by generating optical pulses with electro-optical components that are actually used in telecommunications. Thus, the method will overcome some of the problems encountered by clinicians and patients while using the current technique during 3D ophthalmoscopy in particular. Since this will dramatically reduce imaging time, it will help prevent errors such as blurred images that may be a result of involuntary movements of the patient.
As IBG, we would like to congratulate Dr. Tozburun and his team, and we wish them every success in the future.