Students seek solutions for rare diseases on Rare Disease Day

Students seek solutions for rare diseases on Rare Disease Day

Students seek solutions for rare diseases on Rare Disease Day.

As part of Rare Disease Day on February 28, IBG-RareBoost organized the Rare Hackathon, bringing together life and health sciences students to address the challenges in diagnosing and treating rare diseases.

Throughout the hackathon, students collaborated to develop innovative approaches for undiagnosed patients. The competition consisted of two sessions: in the morning, participants worked on complex cases such as Fabry disease and leukodystrophy, utilizing interdisciplinary methods to propose diagnoses and treatments. In the afternoon session, teams presented their findings to a jury, which evaluated their proposals based on scientific validity, feasibility, and creativity. The teams offering the best solutions were awarded.

The Rare Hackathon not only provided participants with the opportunity to enhance their teamwork, problem-solving, and evidence-based reasoning skills but also increased awareness of the challenges in diagnosing and treating rare diseases.