Ayar-Kayali Lab. on Biopharmaceutic Technologies and Bioanalysis


Our studies till today, we have continued to clarify the PKC signal pathway, the results from these studies will guide our new projects. We found that EpCAM, Claudin and tetraspanin are the important proteins that have been found effective in the signaling pathway.

Following this project, studies on the effect of exosomes released from ovarian cancer cells by primary ovarian cancer cells and healthy epithelium and mesothelial cells by uptake of 1001 Tubitak Project and carcinogenesis mechanism in target cells are continuing.

According to the results obtained from these studies, it is aimed to improve the diagnosis and treatment of ovarian and colon cancer. In this context, synthesis of targeted therapeutic molecules, development of diagnostic kits optimized for diseases and cancer, and full characterization of synthesized molecules are studied.


1. Development of the Smart (Targeted) Chemotherapeutic Agents and Drug Delivery System

The selective delivery of highly effective drugs by antibody drug conjugates (ADC) is a promising approach for the treatment of cancer to overcome the multidrug resistance (MDR). The monoclonal antibody (mAb), which has been highly expressed by specific cancer type, may be linked to payload which targets the DNA or microtubules using the site-specific conjugation methods to synthesize the ADC. Both the use of the target antibody and the use of a hydrophilic linker may help to overcome the MDR. In addition, we are planning to produce surface functionalized exosome (mAb-exosome, drug-exosome, peptide-exosome conjugates) loaded drug for specific targeting.

2. Development of the Diagnosis Kits

In this content, it is tried to find specific biomarkers for rare diseases and cancer. The biological nanovesicles, namely exosomes which include some specific proteins called “Exosome Markers”. The study aims to develop diagnostic kit based on exosome to help diagnose cancer types at an early stage and also determine the stage of the cancer by using statistical algorithms. The specific biomarker in the patient’s blood samples will be screened by using Exosome-mAb/Drug/Peptide Conjugation.

Group Members

Ayar-Kayali Lab. on Biopharmaceutic Technologies and Bioanalysis

Research Group Leader

+90 232 299 41 00 (5081)
+9 0 232 299 41 58

Gizem YILMAZER ALTUN R&D Personnel  gizem.yilmazer@ibg.edu.tr

Mariam J. M GHUNAIM PhD Student  mariam.ghunaim@ibg.edu.tr

Ekrem TINAZ Researcher  ekrem.tinaz@ibg.edu.tr

Ege Gökçe SAVAŞ PhD Student  ege.savas@ibg.edu.tr

Aytaj ABUSHOVA PhD Student  aytaj.abushova@ibg.edu.tr

Elçin ÇAĞATAY PhD Student  elcin.cagatay@ibg.edu.tr

Ezgi İTİL PhD Student  ezgi.itil@ibg.edu.tr

Defne GÖVEM MSc Student  defne.govem@ibg.edu.tr

Cengiz Han YAVUZ Undergraduate Student  cengiz.yavuz@ibg.edu.tr

Zeynep ÖNCÜ Undergraduate Student  zeynep.oncu@ibg.edu.tr

Oğuzhan AVCI Undergraduate Student  oguzhan.avci@ibg.edu.tr

Ece ÖNEL Undergraduate Student  ece.onel@std.ibg.edu.tr

Yonca GÜNGÖR PhD Student  yonca.gungor@ibg.edu.tr

Duygu ERDOĞAN Post-Doc Researcher  duygu.erdogan@ibg.edu.tr

Onur ÖZKAYA MSc Student  onur.ozkaya@ibg.edu.tr

Hilal TAY MSc Student  hilal.tay@ibg.edu.tr

Halit Enes BELGE MSc Student  halit.belge@std.ibg.edu.tr

Former Members

Seminay GÜLER PhD Student  seminay.guler@ibg.edu.tr

Gizem KURŞUNOĞLU Researcher  gizem.kursunluoglu@ibg.edu.tr

Zehra TAVŞAN Post-Doc Researcher  zehra.tavsan@msfr.ibg.edu.tr

Gülnur ÇIRAK MSc Student  gulnur.cirak@msfr.ibg.edu.tr

Elçin ÇAĞATAY PhD Student  elcin.cagatay@ibg.edu.tr

Gizem YILMAZ MSc Student  gizem.yilmaz@msfr.ibg.edu.tr

Egemen Erdem GÜLER PhD Student  egemen.guler@ibg.edu.tr

Esra BULUT Visiting Researcher  esra.bulut@ibg.edu.tr

Aziz Umut DURAK MSc Student  umut.durak@ibg.edu.tr

Aziz Umut DURAK MSc Student  umut.durak@ibg.edu.tr

Yonca GÜNGÖR PhD Student  yonca.gungor@ibg.edu.tr

Ayşe CAŞKIR MSc Student  ayse.caskir@ibg.edu.tr

Yiğit KOZALI MSc Student  yigit.kozali@ibg.edu.tr

Buse SEVGİ MSc Student  buse.sevgi@ibg.edu.tr

Duygu ERDOĞAN PhD Student  duygu.erdogan@ibg.edu.tr

İlyas Umur AYAZ Researcher  umur.ayaz@ibg.edu.tr

Enes GÜNDÜZ Undergraduate Student  enes.gunduz@ibg.edu.tr

Elçin ÇAĞATAY Researcher  elcin.cagatay@ibg.edu.tr

Muzaffer DÜKEL Visiting Researcher  muzaffer.dukel@ibg.edu.tr

Hezzal KÜÇÜKSELBES Undergraduate Student  hezzal.kucukselbes@ibg.edu.tr

Ekrem TINAZ Visiting Researcher  ekrem.tinaz@ibg.edu.tr

PUMLA BHEKIWE MANYATSI PhD Student  pumlabhekiwe.manyatsi@ibg.edu.tr

Fethican KAYHAN MSc Student  fethican.kayhan@ibg.edu.tr

Gamze ÜNER Visiting Student  None

Gaye SAYGI Visiting Researcher  gaye.saygi@ibg.edu.tr

İlayda KELEŞ MSc Student  ilayda.keles@ibg.edu.tr

Duygu ERDOĞAN PhD Student  duygu.erdogan@ibg.edu.tr


The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey - TUBITAK - RD : Ovaryum Kanserinde Tetraspain-Claudin-Epcam Tümör Belirleyici Proteinlerinin ve Protein Kinaz C'nin Rolünün Belirlenmesi, Finished

The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey - TUBITAK - RD : Kanser ve Osteoporoz Tedavisi İçin Monoklonal Antikor Etkin Maddeli Biyobenzer İlaç Geliştirilmesi ve Üretilmesi, Ongoing

DEÜ BAP - Dokuz Eylul University Scientific Research Projects Coordination Unit - RD : Kolon Kanserinde Etkin Bazı Yolaklar Üzerine PKC İzoenzim Aktivitelerinin Etkisinin in vitro İncelenmesi, Finished

The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey - TUBITAK - RD : Ovaryum Kanser Hücrelerinden Salınan Eksozomların Primer Ovaryum Kanser Hücreleri İle Sağlıklı Epitel Ve Mezotel Hücreler Tarafından Alınım Yolları Ve Hedef Hücrelerdeki Karsinojenez Mekanizmasına Etkisi, Finished

The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey - TUBITAK - RD : TCA Döngüsü ve Glikoliz Yolağındaki Metabolit Seviyelerinin Farklı Aşamalardaki Kolon Kanseri Hücre Hatlarında HPLC Yöntemi ile İncelenmesi, Finished


Ayar-Kayali Lab. on Biopharmaceutic Technologies and Bioanalysis

Research Group Leader

+90 232 299 41 00 (5081)
+9 0 232 299 41 58