IBG-BIP Bioinformatics Platform


Welcome Who Are We ? 

Izmir Biomedicine and Genome Center (IBG) is a pioneering research institution with the mission to expand the boundaries of life sciences and contribute to public health. One of the key components of the center is the Bioinformatics Platform (BIP), a unit specialized in the analysis of data generated from Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS) technologies, boasting extensive expertise in this field.

Our Mission

The primary mission of BIP is to strengthen and accelerate the scientific discovery process through NGS data analysis. To this end, we offer innovative and reliable bioinformatics solutions for researchers, as well as professionals operating in the biotechnology and pharmaceutical industries. Our platform employs cutting-edge algorithms and methodologies to analyze and interpret complex, multi-dimensional NGS datasets.

Our Services

In addition to NGS data analysis, BIP provides a wide range of services, including customized consultancy. Detailed information about our services can be found on the services page of our platform. Some of the specialized services we offer include comprehensive analysis of data derived from RNA and DNA sequencing technologies, examination of transcriptome dynamics in various biological contexts, mapping of epigenetic modifications, and predicting the functional effects of variants.

Our Technical Infrastructure

Our platform is supported by a high-end technical infrastructure designed to handle large-scale NGS data analysis. This infrastructure includes high-performance computing systems and extensive data storage capacities. Thanks to this technical setup, our researchers meet high standards of accuracy and speed in bioinformatics data analysis.

Contact and Collaboration

Researchers and industry professionals interested in our bioinformatics analyses and consultancy services can contact us directly. We are here to support your scientific research and pave the way for new discoveries.


IBG-BIP Bioinformatics Platform

Platform Director

+90 232 299 41 00 (None)

Cihangir YANDIM Visiting Researcher  cihangir.yandim@ibg.edu.tr

Necla KOÇHAN Post-Doc Researcher  necla.kochan@ibg.edu.tr

Hüseyin GÜNER Researcher  huseyin.guner@ibg.edu.tr

Başak KESKİNOĞLU Researcher  basak.keskinoglu@ibg.edu.tr

Former Personnel

İbrahim ŞENTÜRK Research Group Member  ibrahim.senturk@ibg.edu.tr

Arif GÜRSOY Research Group Member  arif.gursoy@ibg.edu.tr

Gökhan KARAKÜLAH Research Group Member  gokhan.karakulah@ibg.edu.tr
+90 232 299 41 00 (5051)
0 232 299 41 55

Alirıza ARIBAŞ R&D Personnel  aliriza.aribas@ibg.edu.tr

Uğur ÇABUK MSc Student  ugur.cabuk@msfr.ibg.edu.tr

Necla KOÇHAN Post-Doc Researcher  necla.kochan@ibg.edu.tr

Necati Kaan KUTLU PhD Student  necatikaan.kutlu@ibg.edu.tr

Leman BİNOKAY MSc Student  leman.binokay@ibg.edu.tr

Nurten Ezgi DOĞUDAN Undergraduate Student  ezgi.dogudan@msfr.ibg.edu.tr

Fatih MAMAK Undergraduate Student  fatih.mamak@ibg.edu.tr

Necati Kaan KUTLU PhD Student  necatikaan.kutlu@ibg.edu.tr

Uğur DURA Undergraduate Student  ugur.dura@ibg.edu.tr

Elif YILDIZ MSc Student  elif.yildiz@ibg.edu.tr

Leman BİNOKAY PhD Student  leman.binokay@ibg.edu.tr

Fatih MAMAK Undergraduate Student  fatih.mamak@ibg.edu.tr

Barış AKINCI Researcher  baris.akinci@ibg.edu.tr


IBG-BIP Bioinformatics Platform

Platform Director

+90 232 299 41 00 (None)